How to Prevent Pregnancy Stretchmarks with Hawi
Pregnancy is something that I had been looking forward to the whole of 2022 when my spouse and I decided we wanted to add to our little family of 2. So, when we confirmed a few days into the new year that we were pregnant I was elated yet scared as I dreaded the changes my body would have to undergo, especially stretchmarks which come as one’s tummy stretches.
I have been a faithful Hawi products consumer for the past 6 years whereby Hawi Blackseed Amla butter had helped my face a great deal for I had hormonal acne all my life and nothing seemed like it would help tame the acne until I got the Shea Blackseed Amla and formed a consistent skincare routine. I trusted Hawi sought of from this positive brand encounter as well as because a friend also had said how she didn’t get any stretch mark for she used the Hawi Raw Shea butter when she was pregnant a few years ago and my sister too had said the Raw Shea helped provide relief from itching when she was pregnant, and it reduced hyperpigmentation on her tummy.

As you can see, I had my own positive brand experience and two endorsements from people who had been pregnant who had used Hawi products. I decided to give it a try and see if really the Hawi butters help to prevent stretch marks as the marketing claim purported on social media. At the time I had been using Vanilla Orange on my legs and hands, so I did not see the need to buy another product as I had barely used a quarter of the butter.
I am not a girly girl who oils her body head to toe like the Kardashian’s or other well-groomed women who take skincare very seriously…… I am your average minimalist who will only oil myself where my body can be seen by others 😉 because who has all that time when preparing 😊? This belly oiling business was an added chore and time “eater” to my quick preparation routine but my fear of stretch marks all over my tummy was the only motivation I needed to “behave” myself and take care of my skin in this season. During the 1st trimester I was super diligent and used to apply 2/3 times a day as I checked if any stretch mark was forming even though no baby bump was yet in sight. I decided to trust the process and in the 2nd trimester still I had no stretch marks even though the baby bump was now visible.
This gave me a lot of confidence that as my skin was stretching the moisturizing came in very handy to ensure that no stretchmarks formed on my skin. I have experienced occasional itching when my tummy is enlarging as the baby is undergoing a growth spurt and, on such days, I just moisturize more times as it means more skin stretching is happening. I am on my 3rd or 4th Shea Vanilla Orange 291ml jar and honestly, I have no regrets for investing on myself and on my skin during this season when my body has undergone major changes due to pregnancy. I have also stuck to using the Hawi Face serum during this season and my face though prone to hormonal acne has not had a breakout at all.
To get the Shea Vanilla Orange shop here:
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